~ Me, Lip2 & my hubby
Actually, from Masjid Putra.. we alls terjah PRESINT 9 (if i'm not mistake-My BIL yg gtau tu ....so klu slh, jgn slh kan aku..ahakss..)..coz nk makan2...bu forgot to take pict...coz masing2 pon dah lapor...so after makan je sempat amik gambo....
After that we alls went to Fasa 1 Bangi, coz ade pasar mlm..mmg beso pasar mlm kat situ...every Tuesday & Saturday..My SIL nielah...nk bl tudung....tp dh puas ronda sume gerai jual tudung...tudung yg dia nk x ado....nt lh ye Neem..akak bukak kedai tudung...wt ikut sume kaler pencil yg ade....sng le ko nk cr tudung....he3....
4 ulasan:
cam kenal jer 'minah' yg dok sker enterframe tuh?! tp, di mana ya..?? hmm..
..dh mmg dasar enterframe....huh!!!
well.. u know me.. ;P
..yeahh...i really know u...:P
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